Hello and congrats on v0.8! Now that we don't need the "is_active" parameter but a "Entity alternative" set to true, how can we set that up in the importer specification...
upDown objects from the upDown class (two objects: *up* and *down*) are deleted when purging the DB from its items. It would be great to find a way to "protect...
As discussed, it would be very useful to be able to visual curtailment in the same chart as production, loss of load and inflows. To do so, it would be...
I want to set a 70% non_synchronous_limit in each of my node. It works when I have only one node, but when I have two nodes or node, the non_synchronous...
Idea for improvement: define a flow limit at the group level. It could be similar to non_synchrounous_limit but would be more flexible. It could for instance be used if we...
I have set a constant reserve up of 10 MW. In my reserve_t output sheet, when I sum the reserves that are procured, I obtain almost always 10 MW, except...
I have tried to install FlexTool in a Microsoft server 12/2012. The installation showed no error, but when running python -m spinetoolbox, I get the following error: >(flextool) C:\Users\XXXX>python -m...
If not mistaken FlexTool offers the possibility to have reserves to overcome a N-1 contingency (e.g. for a connection, or a plant). There is an example in the Init DB,...
Hello, I believe the documentation on ramps (https://irena-flextool.github.io/flextool/results/#ramps) could be improved. I have not managed to understand the figures that I get in these output parameters, and it's not clear...
When the model is created directly in FlexTool, it would still be nice to be able to export it in the input template (that is used to create a model...