First of all, I really want this project to succeed because the 3D graphics programming story on MacOS sucks. I've been trying to engage with it in a sane way...
This package appears as the top search result on Google for `gin gonic cors`, but has a number of trouble spots that make it hard to use correctly the first...
This patch adds support for recording matches (`start --capture`) and replaying recorded matches (`replay replays/last-match.yml`). Matches are recorded as bot-independent YAML files, so that you can share replays without necessarily...
In chapter 6 on client interaction of the thesis, there is a paragraph regarding the requirements for achieving linearizability in Raft. > To achieve linearizability in Raft, servers must filter...
I didn't understand why pub was recommending hop until I heard your talk at #flydart. I guess I'd understand what it was if it was called _dake_.... Any-who, a small...
Currently, the `options` binding expects to be associated with an attribute containing a jQuery selector that points to a DOM element containing the options and optgroups for the select control.... Might want to consider porting them to _localStorage_ since I probably shouldn't introduce irrelevant extra steps.
It doesn't need to be in the main distro. Also, change the syntax to `plural: { count: @foo, word: 'item' }`.
The "on" binding should function as a setter of model attributes. The setter behavior may be extensible. This is not a free-form "eval" binding, and it does not call arbitrary...
Currently, the valueAccessor passed to bindings returns a function which wraps `.get` and `.set`. It would be nice to expose access to `.models` or allow predicate functions in so that...