
Results 322 comments of dzmitry-lahoda

i would either have users who are responsible (have access to cluster and can allocated as please, and then clean) and others, who goes only via formalism of fleet setup.

> Go doesn't have sum types, so this doesn't really translate to the language the controllers are all written in. Sum can be concept, encoded as ``` struct StateUnion {...

@domgreen so everybody solves same problem, builds work around. why would not it should make into agones? workarounds create additional attack vector. what if i would want to allow to...

I did not set CPU limit to gameserver template. Will set it as fix - restrict. ```yaml apiVersion: "" kind: Fleet metadata: name: debug spec: strategy: type: Recreate template: spec:...

So seems fix is to limit, so may be can make the server not to be CPU hungry as option.

I have real heavy gameserver with no players and simple game server. Both never where called by UDP or TCP. Real gameserver consumes 200m CPU. While simple game server consumes...

Add one of jamstack-static searches(not all searches in image are such, but kind of): ![image]( I will donate to 10 USD as soon as it will be added.

k8s got released with containerd support on azure and aws. so windows is step closer to linuxes.

Have you followed these steps ?