
Results 322 comments of dzmitry-lahoda

trying to compile libp2p

from current rand ``` /// On wasm32-unknown-unknown (non-WASI), `fill()` is implemented using /// `window.crypto.getRandomValues()`. It must be used in a context where the /// global object is a `Window`; i.e....

`FastExpressionCompiler` is not strong-signed so you cannot reference it. I think other tools for testing, e.g. NUnit, are strong-signed and `ExpressionToCodeLib` should be too.

I have checked some testing tools, 2 where signed, xunit among them, and 1 was not. ``` // xunit.execution.desktop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8d05b1bb7a6fdb6c // xunit.abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8d05b1bb7a6fdb6c // TechTalk.SpecFlow, Version=,...

You may look into `FastExpressionCompiler`. When I nuget it I get xml along side with dll. This XML is consumed by VS IDE and I see comments during typing. Just...

I guess you have searched issues and just request for proper documentation?

Nothing is class object created in GC memory. Measures are not needed - performance is unacceptable. More, it is wrongly named. GC garbage is not Nothing. So whole naming, which...

I have meditated for 2 days onto nothing about Nothing. I doubt we need to measure at all, because I can evaluate performance in my head, and baseline is unachievable....