
Results 367 comments of dzmitry-lahoda

> Overall I'd say this is a very important topic. We have plans for R&D on telemetry, metrics, and routing based on dynamic weights in TrustGraph. > Currently, it's still...

there are some build in and some extrenals. it is hard ro make extrenals(and there is no protocol) and it will be waste to do external we (my thinking) must...

not only build in, but also aqua integrated use these during particle flow.

how can i throw error from rust code of mt service? just if that is possible. what would be error code to check if alias is wrong or i have...

> Currently, there's no way to do that. May be i can panic in Rust in marine method and get exceptions? > Errors from protocol services are meant to be...

> add_alias(alias: string, service_id: string) what would happen if alias is tooo long or service id not guid (guid is bad - ulid is good) or service id not existing...

uuid has semantics (how it generated), uuid has some kind of limit (128 bit number) and it has representation. there are uuids which put timestamep into first bits (impls are...