
Results 50 comments of Dzintars

I know it's old, but... mby for somebody... How about something like this `autocmd BufNew,BufNewFile,Bufread [Rr]ockerfile.*,*.[Rr]ockerfile :setfiletype Dockerfile` in your `.vimrc`?

I think i also have hard time to integrate AppImageLauncher on ![image]( There is no XWayland loaded at all on this system. Qt5 packages happens to be installed: ![image]( My...

I will add my 2 cents. I am pretty newbie in programming and moreover in TypeScript. So i do often look what do i import and what not. I don't...

@pasevin I would like to see this at some cases. It shouldn't be an opinionated feature. That should be an option and the default behavior could be whatever you like....

@pasevin So, basically you are highlighting 2 groups of developers - Solo Developers/Projects and Team Developers/Projects. I am talking from Solo Developer/Project perspective and on this case... i would like...

@DamianoMagrini Thank you for the link. I do understand the booth sides. It's something like Go team are standing strong for to protect Go from bloating like Java. And i...

Also am bit confused about that output ```text which_key: health#which_key#check ======================================================================== ## WhichKey: checking conflicting keymaps - WARNING: conflicting keymap exists for mode **"n"**, lhs: **"gb"** - INFO: rhs: `(comment_toggle_blockwise)`...

Mby irrelevant there, but i am trying to get this image running on rootless Podman. No success. Last year on Docker, there was no issues at all... but... I will...

It is definitely just a "nice to have" feature and not the deal breaker for me personally.

Same there. Zoom should be controlled only with `ctrl` prefix. Quite annoying when doing the math in the properties or typing text. (i have no num pad)