which-key.nvim copied to clipboard
Need help with checkhealth output
I get the following output from "checkhealth which_key":
which_key: health#which_key#check
## WhichKey: checking conflicting keymaps
- WARNING: conflicting keymap exists for mode **"n"**, lhs: **"gc"**
- INFO: rhs: `<Plug>kommentary_motion_default`
- WARNING: conflicting keymap exists for mode **"n"**, lhs: **" cd"**
- INFO: rhs: `<Plug>kommentary_motion_decrease`
- WARNING: conflicting keymap exists for mode **"n"**, lhs: **" ci"**
- INFO: rhs: `<Plug>kommentary_motion_increase`
I have seen in another "Issues" entry that a user got information for "old rhs" and also for "new rhs". I'm not getting that. I can't tell what is conflicting from what I see here. I didn't directly set these keymaps, so I can't just grep my config files. How can I track this down, please?
i have same issue, but i think this is answer for your question @syntaxman https://giters.com/folke/which-key.nvim/issues/95
Also am bit confused about that output
which_key: health#which_key#check
## WhichKey: checking conflicting keymaps
- WARNING: conflicting keymap exists for mode **"n"**, lhs: **"gb"**
- INFO: rhs: `<Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise)`
- WARNING: conflicting keymap exists for mode **"n"**, lhs: **"gc"**
- INFO: rhs: `<Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise)`
I got that those are just a warnings. But i would like to see clean log.
For reference, the issue with comment.nvim is related to the below:
---LHS of toggle mappings in NORMAL mode
toggler = {
---Line-comment toggle keymap
line = 'gcc',
---Block-comment toggle keymap
block = 'gbc',
---LHS of operator-pending mappings in NORMAL and VISUAL mode
opleader = {
---Line-comment keymap
line = 'gc',
---Block-comment keymap
block = 'gb',
The above works fine even though there ar "conflicting keys", but I think it makes sense for which-key to complain as it can only display one command name per mapping.
waring is still there, not sure why?
I can verify that this conflict occurs in https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim/blob/0236521ea582747b58869cb72f70ccfa967d2e89/lua/Comment/init.lua#L100-L110.
If I understand the following code correctly, gc
and gcc
conflict with each other.
K('n', 'gc', '<Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise)', { desc = 'Comment toggle linewise' })
K('n', 'gcc', function()
return vvar('count') == 0 and '<Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_current)'
or '<Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_count)'
end, { expr = true, desc = 'Comment toggle current line' })
This is why we need to set the timeoutlen
in the https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim/issues/115#issuecomment-1032290098.
Relate issue: https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim/issues/364.