Dženan Zukić

Results 330 comments of Dženan Zukić

I am finishing up a grant proposal today and tomorrow, I plan to test #2492 later in the week.

Trying to read `C:\Dev\ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF\v0.4\cyx.ome.zarr` with updated version of netCDF still produces the same error: `NetCDF: NCZarr error` when invoking `nc_open`. Same happens for the other files there (`yx.ome.zarr` and `multi-image.ome.zarr`)....

Removing either `_ARRAY_DIMENSION` attributes or leaving just one scale gets me further: `NetCDF: Filter error: undefined filter encountered`. That is understandable, since the array has: ```json "compressor": { "blocksize": 0,...

To have the latest version, I have to build it myself. My build setup is here: https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF/pull/6 Here, I am trying to add zip support to the build: https://github.com/dzenanz/ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF/commit/0bbea2563204e8bb204387852ec4d41b465ccd01 the...

Pointing `netCDF_DIR` to the install directory (`C:/Program Files (x86)/netCDF/lib/cmake/netCDF`) works.

In this [thread](https://discourse.itk.org/t/adding-parallel-compression-to-metaio/1835), the first post is my explanation of the benchmark.

I don't know whether this is related. On ITK's [dashboard](https://open.cdash.org/index.php?project=Insight#!#DynamicAnalysis), `Defect Count` column shows 0, but clicking on [it](https://open.cdash.org/viewDynamicAnalysis.php?buildid=5177545) leads to a page with 3 failures. The nightly emails alert...

Building blosc myself, and pointing to that build leads to a successful `xtensor-zarr` build.

I also realized that linking blosc might be complaining about [zstd](https://github.com/facebook/zstd)'s functions, not `zlib`'s. `conda install` did pull `zstd` as a dependency of blosc.

`pigz` is a program and not a library, therefore it cannot really replace `zlib`.