David Zeber
David Zeber
Please install the `plotnine` package (tools for graphing data) so that we can have it available as one of our default analysis tools.
Currently, `get_addon_limits_by_locale()` returns a limit of 1 for each locale in the dataset. We plan to change this to a slightly more sophisticated threshold selection method that uses a simple...
I recently [committed updates](https://github.com/mozilla/metric-hub/commit/f29732543786a49d6cd938cce163877e2e5631b7) to the Navigational Suggestions experiment config in `metric-hub`. As a part of this I renamed the `engaged_search_sessions` metric to `search_sessions`, but I forgot to update the...
I'm getting an error running `validate_config` locally from the CLI on certain experiment configs from `metric-hub/jetstream`. The error is `attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: is not an attrs-decorated class.`. I tried running on a...