Hi, I'm just beginning to study this area, and I think your work is excellent! Could you give me some links to download some data to run your code?
I just use your pretrained modle, and the result is not good(looks like a lot of squares),why?
作者您好! 我尝试运行您提供的代码,但是我有些问题关于您提到的局部crop,在FERplus路径下的part_attetion_sample.py的173行,这里是不是没有实现crop的操作,我在这里设置了断点并输出图片,图片和原图是一样的,请问是我对程序理解错误了吗?
作者您好! 我在icip2020上看到了您的论文,我现在想尝试投一下icip2021,请问您当时投稿时选择的session topic是啥呀?我没看到直接的表情识别相关的
hi i have read the paper and the code, and i think it is very cool! But i have some questions about the code. What are the meanings of the...