I found this behavior when I use space key to pause and resume a avatar.
@VBAndCs I got it, thanks for the information about event handling. I'm trying to create as many applications as possible to learn small visual basic, based on my previous programming...
@VBAndCs Got it, it's working. Thanks.
BTW, is there any way to set z-index of label? Previously added label will be covered by upcoming labels.
@VBAndCs I've noticed the way the form designer brings controls to the front and sends them back. I use the label and its append link function to create a quick...
@VBAndCs Thank you. I used "Math.Floor( dividend / 10)" to get the integral part as an alternative. I just came across to this by trying to convert an integer to...
I didn't realize that numbers could be used as a string. It will be nice to add a ToString("formatString") method to numbers. I haven't learn all content of sVB reference...
Hi @VBAndCs, I have tried V2.8.8, it turns out that the issues I reported is already gone. Thanks for your dedicating. This is details: - The Sound.Resume function works fine....