Dylan Watson

Results 6 comments of Dylan Watson

If I add the @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript, then it seems to work: https://babeljs.io/en/repl#?babili=false&browsers=&build=&builtIns=false&spec=false&loose=false&code_lz=CYUwzgxgTglgRiAFAcgOIgHYlhMACAIQFcBzZAGj0QEo8BeAPjwG8AoVvPGAFxTAAsA9kQA2wPAAcAhmHzd-IPN3DcKVWoxYdOeCIIxhueAGZSA1iACSGZVCn08AHmu3TEEAEEGbHTuMwQMQ8ALjxkOBEpfmRtTgBfAG52XxAADwkQCF5TCxdsADp_QOAPanzuQQIkcMjo6m046iTGpNYYG2w3RTyoLo8tTiKg0MNYDBIkwYCxAhHuMYnWONYgA&debug=false&forceAllTransforms=false&shippedProposals=false&circleciRepo=&evaluate=true&fileSize=false&timeTravel=false&sourceType=module&lineWrap=true&presets=es2015%2Ctypescript&prettier=false&targets=&version=7.4.2

Sounds like you might have to update some of the dependencies? If you still have issues, I ported this project to Java a while ago. I haven't built it in...

Yeah, just to add an extra data point, I have this issue with my PS3 controller cabled to my Pixel 3, playing PSP games (I believe other systems too but...

I'd be keen to take a look, if anyone can point me in the right direction to start digging, code-wise.

Interestingly I don't have this issue with a Razer Kishi Controller connected to my Android.

Did this work? I'm having the same issue but headObject seems not able to be mocked in this way...?