Dylan Bannon
Dylan Bannon
Hello @papagian @zserge @suntala @yangkb09 any word on getting this ready to merge? I would very much appreciate it, this slow query is causing some real pain. Thanks so much!
Hi @karchx, I updated the description of the issue to make it more clear. I'm not sure I fully understand your question but let me know if anything is still...
I have a WIP branch with this partially implemented using two ConcurrentHashMaps https://github.com/spotify/voyager/tree/upsert-string-index. As @markkohdev mentioned, that approach will substantially increase memory usage to support a feature that most people...
Hi @cvillela, that error occurs when the HNSW lookup is unable to retrieve the requested number of neighbors. This can happen if the underlying graph is for some reason disconnected....