Being worked on in #18 Will keep this open, but I plan on adding as much support for this new feature as I can
Will work on this 👍 It doesn't make much sense to do it for normal videos but for GIFs it could be useful
This is already supported for videos (d.vxtwitter.com) But I will add support for images when I can, hopefully within the next week.
The space I have on embeds is quite limited so I'd probably have to add an emoji (or text that says "this post has a community note"
Here are a couple of concepts I played around with (Not implemented, just mockups) In the top "Website name" field  Along with username  Under likes  Under likes...
I'll look into it, but only as a "latest posts" feature, sort of like how visiting someone's profile on twitter works. I feel like getting *all* of a user's posts...
Tweets with GIFs should now loop(ish), ish because they're repeated until they are 30 seconds long. I wanted to convert them to raw GIF but the file sizes are just...
Fixed in latest
Sorry for the delay, this should be fixed now. Please let me know!
Seems to be a Discord issue. I've implemented a workaround for now, but I might need to contact them if I want GIF looping to function properly again