Dylan Hunt

Results 53 issues of Dylan Hunt

Your curated list shows `Scriban` (capital `S`), for example, but your README shows `org.nuget.scriban`. Does this mean everything is lowercase? camelCase? Can this be clarified? Shouldn't the curated list reflect...

I reported this [last year](https://github.com/ShareX/ShareX/issues/5890), but I wanted to follow-up on this critical bug: Upon an update, the settings wipe. Update pops up -> update -> sharex returns -> settings...

### Self-service - [ ] I'd be willing to implement a fix ### Describe the bug `yarn set version stable` -> not found. I can `yarn set version berry`, and...


Please allow an exception to the repro rule -- this is quite hard to prove, but it certainly exists. This is more about a workaround discussion. 1. Russia ISP will...

In an attempt to save retinas, I would suggest a dark theme. Since this seems to be made with WPF, it should hopefully be a low-scope. Alas, all I have...

Set languages, turned sublim on for tv and movies, brought it up to top, input the correct credentials. Updated library. Restarted plex. Refreshed the tv show. What am i doing...

Referencing this workaround https://github.com/scdoshi/jquery-ajaxchimp/issues/41 , there should be a solution rather than this ghetto hack ;)

"because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled."

**package.json** `"cryptojs": "^2.5.3",` **$ node server.js** ``` /home/dylan/tol-node/tol/server.js:9 var Crypto = (require 'cryptojs').Crypto // Same as the readme? ^^^^^^^^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected string ``` Almost seems like I didn't install it,...

This looks great! However, there are no releases and the src is mixed with countless directories with a README that says what it is, but doesn't tell me how to...