Dylan Hunt

Results 31 comments of Dylan Hunt

This still isn't working for me -- I hover over and nada. Hover out, nothing either. Anyone else get this working or just me?

> In my opinion, registration pages are a bad idea for a private admin-panel and better solutions are more secure, for example: I agree: The default `react-admin-firebase` Facebook ("FB") oAuth...

Gah D: any easy workaround to allow win7 support? Does this mean colyseus also doesn't support win7 clients?

Any word on this? It's a breaking bug for Win11 to those that use Windows terminal. At one point, Win11 prompts if you want to permanently switch, and there's 0...

Hmm, this should probably get a priority bump: 1. This is a common, repro'd, breaking bug. 2. Win11 is getting dominant. 3. Win11 shoves Windows Terminal in your face (and...

I can reproduce this breaking bug without any debug declarations - just `gitlab-search "something"`. However, @shenguanjiejie man your token is there - take down that screenshot and reset your keys....

I had an epiphany: I actually downloaded this with [Ninite](https://ninite.com/) _both_ times - could it save settings in different places [perhaps they host an breaking old ver]?

As an update (editing into above): `yarn set version berry` (rather than `stable`) detects the correct version, downloads it, **but still doesn't set it**. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8840024/190890523-61b220b9-ad1b-4635-aeb2-d3bd62c198c6.png) Another note of interest: After...

Another note: I'm using this in WSL2. I noticed the following: * When I `yarn set version berry` in bash, it "saves the new release" in `.yarn/releases/yarn-3.2.3.cjs` * However, when...