
Results 5 issues of 董原恺

我使用的是MTLModel组件,我的模型本身是有透明的 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34772565/77027384-0b7c5380-69d1-11ea-8b89-b9351dcfb7b5.png) 但是我用组件的运行结果却是这样子的 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34772565/77027447-36ff3e00-69d1-11ea-985a-2b38d3490e81.png) 这个有办法解决吗

fix issue [162](https://github.com/nwjs/chromium.src/issues/162) headless_shell_switches.cc and headless_shell_switches.h was deleted in branch nw73 If you run `ninja -C out/nw nwjs` will throw error about `ninja: error: '../../headless/app/headless_shell_switches.cc', needed by 'obj/headless/headless_shell_lib/headless_shell_switches.o', missing and...

when I run `ninja -C out/nw nwjs` in branch nw83, it throw error like `ninja: error: '../../headless/app/headless_shell_switches.cc', needed by 'obj/headless/headless_shell_lib/headless_shell_switches.o', missing and no known rule to make it` I found...

I use nw.Window.open to open a popup window in nw0.54. Popup window and main window have the same 'window.global' object But when I upgrade to nw0.81, window.global is not shared...