Results 57 comments of dyhBUPT

same with the issue #531.

Hi, this would be caused by the update of the mmdet. You can try to add the cfg.device in the train.py as in https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/blob/master/tools/train.py#L196 Please let me know if this...

It seems that the speed is limited by the GPU memory in your case.

Hi, the reason may be that the "detections" is not included in the `inference.py`. (variable `data` in function `inference_mot`) For `demo_mot_vis.py`, you are suggested to use the "private config", not...

Yes, if you want to use the "public config", please use `tools/test.py` instead of `demo_mot_vis.py`. Please let me know if this helps. Best wishes.

Hi, It may be caused by that you are running a mot tracker `DeepSORT` but set `dataset_type = CocoDataset`. Use the 'MOTChallengeDataset' instead would help.

Please show the complete error information. One thing you should note is, you should use the `public config` instead of `private config` when you provide additional detection results.

Hi, Please make sure a correct format your `detection_file`. Codes of [mot_challenge_dataset.py](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmtracking/blob/8b45843b37676908b04f336db60494682d20a5c9/mmtrack/datasets/mot_challenge_dataset.py#L52) and [mot2coco.py](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmtracking/blob/8b45843b37676908b04f336db60494682d20a5c9/tools/convert_datasets/mot/mot2coco.py#L130) would help as a reference.

This depends on your data format. Please follow the instruction of [data preparation](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmtracking/blob/master/docs/en/dataset.md).

[Support StrongSORT inference] on MOT17-val: - StrongSORT: HOTA/IDF1/MOTA=69.07/81.69/76.43 - StrongSORT++: HOTA/IDF1/MOTA=70.79/83.14/78.60 TODO: - add config for MOT17-test and MOT20-test - Add ut. - Add docstring for AFLink and cosine_distance. -...