
Results 7 comments of dxvgef

> 试试pip3 install 所需要的库 用`pip3 install urllib2`这个命令提示没有urllib2这个库,我在网上查到说python3已经弃用这个库了

我在mac os上安装了python2.7,现在出现新的错误了: ``` ERROR: Currency Exchange[[Script Filter](alfredpreferences:workflows%3Eworkflow%3Euser.workflow.7305FF14-C687-4E15-A2E6-208105F1AD60%3EFB5FDEF6-F3D6-447B-95FC-A25EA085D636)] Code 127: env: bash: No such file or directory ```

I also very concerned about this issue

Let me try to understand the principle of 'go-nulltype' and 'go-yaml'


Good idea! If `zerolog` implements`log`, you can completely replace it, very much looking forward to it!