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Configuration as code for the masses


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dxcfg allows you to use javascript/typescript to generate configuration in the Deno sandbox.

  • For developers it can be used a familiar and expressive frontend.
  • For operators it can be used as a backend for enforcing schema validation, security policies, resource usage policies and hermeticity: see hermeticity example.

Its an opinionated port of jkcfg API to deno and is a work in progress.

Example Usage

Let's generate a multi resource yaml file using template literals. Here we use template literals to generate a multi-resource yaml file.

index.js uses the generated kubernetes types from the dxcfg_kubernetes module.

import { Format, param, write } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
import { api } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";

function resources(Values) {
  return [
    new api.apps.v1.createDeployment({
      metadata: {
        name: `${Values.name}-dep`,
      spec: {
        template: {
          labels: { app: Values.app },
          spec: {
            containers: {
              hello: {
                image: `${Values.image.repository}:${Values.image.tag}`,
    new api.core.v1.createService({
      metadata: {
        name: `${Values.name}-svc`,
        labels: { app: Values.app },
      spec: {
        selector: {
          app: Values.app,

const defaults = {
  name: "helloworld",
  app: "hello",
  image: {
    repository: "weaveworks/helloworld",
    tag: "v1",

const values = await param.object("values", defaults);
await write(resources(values), "chart.yaml", { format: Format.MULTI_YAML });

Run with deno:

deno run --unstable --allow-read --allow-write index.js -p values.name=demo -p values.image.tag=v2

which writes a chart.yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: demo-dep
      app: hello
          image: 'weaveworks/helloworld:v2'
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: demo-svc
    app: hello
    app: hello

See more in examples


  • Keep the API surface small and obvious.
  • Free of opinions on how configuration should be managed.
  • Don’t reproduce features from other tools: helm, kustomize, cdktf etc. rather provide integrations to call them.
  • Don’t write custom APIs for components: grafana, tekton etc. Use the official SDK or expose a generated typescript api from openapi or CRD spec .


  • An example complex deployment pipeline on top of GKE/GCP
  • A typescript API for an efficient buildkit builder(written in Rust)