Dwight Whitlock
Dwight Whitlock
Same issue with localstack: ``` raise EndpointConnectionError(endpoint_url=request.url, error=e) E botocore.exceptions.EndpointConnectionError: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "http://localnpipe:49162/test-bucket" ```
Seconding this as a feature request!
~@cfstras can you provide the relevant snippet of your `buf.gen.yaml`?~ Local usage: ``` - plugin: protobuf-to-pydantic out: ../python/src/pydantic ```
For more context, integration with Pydantic will allow for `proto` use with [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/), which is the most widely used Python REST API framework. https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi
The author of the source plugin (@so1n) said they are on board with implementing it https://github.com/so1n/protobuf_to_pydantic/issues/26
It looks like it has an optional configuration `.py` file, which you mentioned would not be supported. That said, I also haven't looked deeply into it yet