David Renshaw

Results 30 issues of David Renshaw

In https://github.com/BurntSushi/rust-snappy/issues/5, it looks like the error is coming from [`Lazy::get()`](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/lazy-static.rs/blob/f30eb51849fe6e3fae0e891f263241dbb5591a68/src/lazy.rs#L15-L17). This possibly has the same root cause as #81, but I don't know enough about how `lazy_static` works to...


It looks to me like `QueuedClient::call()` can be significantly simplified by using a promise / fulfiller pair, as in this patch. Am I missing something here?

Currently, capnpc-java is written in C++ and depends on upstream capnproto-c++ libraries. Distribution would be simplified it it were written in Java.

For example, where is `java.capnp`?

See https://groups.google.com/g/sandstorm-dev/c/hdTrPu6gndY/m/heRh-ns1AgAJ Currently, if someone wants to define schema files that depend on the sandstorm schema files, then they cannot take advantage of the [sandstorm-rust](https://github.com/dwrensha/sandstorm-rust) crate. To make that work,...

HasStructSize::struct_size() was added at a time when Rust did not yet have associated constants. Converting it from a method to a constant makes it available for usage at compile time.

This uses Generic Associated Types, which are not on stable rust yet. Also, it looks like it's getting pretty complicated, and it's still in very rough draft proof-of-concept form. It...

capnproto-c++ has [`thisCap`](https://github.com/capnproto/capnproto/blob/44f5f5686962f3c8ff95618785d1998efd63a779/c%2B%2B/src/capnp/capability.h#L335). I imagine we could achieve something similar by adding a `get_self() -> Client` method to [`ParamsHook`](https://github.com/capnproto/capnproto-rust/blob/dd67e97405bcd23082f221f7a1a2d6b57de1e47d/capnp/src/private/capability.rs#L102) and [`Params`](https://github.com/capnproto/capnproto-rust/blob/dd67e97405bcd23082f221f7a1a2d6b57de1e47d/capnp/src/capability.rs#L155).

Similar to #4. ``` capnp # test.capnp @0x8314444a113b636e; interface Grault {} interface Foo { bar @0 () -> (); baz @1 () -> (grault : Grault); } ``` ``` cpp...