Zhang, Chi

Results 12 comments of Zhang, Chi

I think it is just a small fix. I currently do not have much time to fork, fix and test. Sorry about that.

Doesn't slog10(0.1) and slog(-10) get the same value?

Same problem here with a different image. Cropping the image a bit solves the problem. `cuda-memcheck` reports: ```text ========= CUDA-MEMCHECK Sigma = 15 Number of Steps: 2 Color denoising: yes...

PB9 is connected to an inverter consisting of 2 transistors on Maple Mini. This is an odd design which is unnecessary in most cases. Pulling PA1 down is not mandatory....

I am afraid that you can't. To do that we need some kind of kernel driver that takes the UART. I am unaware of a clean way to do so....

For motherboard monitoring, you probably can find some I2C sensors and hook them up to the SMBus.

I think it will work as long as the UART has 3.3V or 5V push-pull output. If the UART is open-drain, it should be OK to wire everything to DQ...

Most likely an issue with the UART connection, or counterfeit STM32 chips.

C1 is 0.1uF. When I have time I will rectify all the schematics.

1. 两种固件的 USB pull-up 不一样。你用的这块板子没有 pull-up,我不清楚为何 USB 能正常工作 (STM32 内部的 pull-up 应该不够)。除此之外没有区别。V3 因为使用 PA13 作为 pull-up,SWD 会不可用。 2. 1 是 idle,2 应该是读取。具体跟 Flash 有关(站空比取决与每个命令所需的时间)。 3. 32k 晶振用于 RTC,这里用不到。