Zach Dwiel
Zach Dwiel
I also am wondering this. @Ho-Ro your link points to this thread, is there somewhere else you meant to link to?
Thanks, btw I've tested the above solution on nodes that dont have public ips with success. Would still like avoid `hostNetwork: true`, but it is running. I've also had it...
The dockerfile is very simple: ``` FROM node:11 # RUN npm -g config set user root RUN npm cache clean --force RUN npm install -g dat ```
From another thread here i got the flags for running inside of docker (not kubernetes): ` -p 3282:3282/udp -p 3282:3282/tcp`
It looks like you are missing udp port 3282. You have to open udp ports independently from tcp ports.
Hmm, that looks right. Have you tried running `dat doctor` from inside the container? That helped me debug my setup.
I dont see why not. If you want to explore this, I recommend benchmarking it for your particular use case. I have found it can become slow as the number...
Yeah, I haven't been using this lately so it hasn't been kept up to date. I'd definitely welcome a pull request to bring it up to date.
@yusukeurakami you ever figure this out?
I'm not sure about JSON API issues. Is there a branch or something we should test against? I agree that the example is not the best. Thanks