David Dai
David Dai
I just updated to the newest RStudio Preview release and noticed the menu bar colour is not inconsistent with the rest of the theme. Is there a fix for this?...
Hi Rasmus, I am working on a similar htmlwidget for the fullcalendar JS library v4.4, and used yours as a guide. I was wondering if you are still interested in...
The current units of task duration is always set to "secs". > set_logging(js_console = FALSE) shinyApp( ui = shiny::fluidPage(), server = function(input, output) { set_logging_session() log_started("Event 1") Sys.sleep(1) log_started("Event 2")...
When logging to file, would it be possible to move the timestamp (currently the last column) to be the first column of each entry? I think it would make the...