I accidentally disconnected my I2C BME280 sensor, and the UI kept showing the last temperature instead of something like -1/error.
As per title, it would be nice to have an (optional?) warning when pressing "play" to start executing a Gcode that has no M3/M4 command
Every time there is a dynamic ipv6 change, avahi detects an hostname conflict and increments the hostname: May 15 02:01:57 foobar dhcpcd[1367]: eth0: Router Advertisement from fe80::8c4:...... May 15 02:01:57...
fix: popupView.layer.shadowPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:popupView.bounds cornerRadius:popupView.layer.cornerRadius].CGPath;
it seems that, on 32bit systems, libc.fallocate takes 32bit arguments
It seems the module on PIP uses the old protocol
CNCjs uses socket.io to talk between its components and pendants. Unfortunately it's not a standard web socket implementation and thus negates the chance to implement pendants on hw like ESP32,...
it would be nice if it could access the iCloud keychain
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Zummo [email protected]