Jacob Blain Christen

Results 39 comments of Jacob Blain Christen

@stellirin thanks for reporting this and the underlying issue (that I moved to https://github.com/rancher/k3s-upgrade/issues/22). Right now plan "recovery", such as it is, is an exercise left to the human operator....

> Thanks for your explanation, after a second look at this I probably should have requested something like _'Don't cordon nodes unless the plan phase succeeds'_. Not sure what you...

> I'll gladly help on this over the next days / weeks. PRs welcome

@tobru how does `examples/ubuntu/` directory with a `README.md` and sample manifest(s) sound? --- (In general, I am fine with folks making their best guess and putting new content where they...

@tobru at your convenience, please take a look at the [ubuntu example plan](https://github.com/rancher/system-upgrade-controller/blob/9a801145cca8cf5cd8cf1d3eafb8060c3b9a25b5/examples/ubuntu/bionic.yaml) and let us know what you think.

> Regarding the ubuntu example, something I've been thinking about is this: > > It is currently possible for ubnutu to [automate security updates](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates), and someone can choose to run...

> Idea: > By this you could label nodes with something like a patch level to distinguish between already updated nodes. > Why would one need this? Imagine you want...

> @dweomer thank you for explanations. > I have to admin that I was not aware, that the SUC is already capable of handling the given scenario. > > But...

@nickvth I don't understand this part (I assume it is a cut-and-paste error): > apt-get upgrade -y "docker-ce update avaliable" When I try that command locally (using `sudo`) on my...

> I see system-upgrade-controller is used for upgrading operating system as well. And curious what if OS upgrade failed, how it fallback to older version? > Because SUC is general...