Darwin Huang
Darwin Huang
+1 to PWA support. It'd be great to see these permission UX flows when viewed in PWA windows as well. Re: HTTP: Would it be possible to have a service...
Oops I'm not too sure how to make a demo like this yet either... Sorry.
I see that a requirement for the currently focused document is mentioned in [11.2](https://www.w3.org/TR/clipboard-apis/#privacy-async). Does this seem sufficient? If not, I presume the mentioned algorithm section is referring to these...
The spec now uses `ClipboardItem` instead of `DataTransfer`, so that the API is also more promise-friendly (and many other things)
Yes, it would be great to have time to talk about the Clipboard Specification. I'd like to discuss progress regarding the Raw Clipboard proposal last year, as well as a...
I've set up a time next Monday, October 26, 10PM UTC (3PM PST), to discuss Pickling for Clipboard API, and updated the WebApps WG Calendar appropriately. Please see this [public-editing-tf](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-editing-tf/2020Oct/0014.html)...
There are minutes available as part of the WebApps WG minutes. https://www.w3.org/2020/10/19-webapps-minutes.html#item03
You mention that the this may have to do with the color space. What color space is your input media using? The input colors expected by overlays is sRGB, per...
Oops sorry I missed this issue. Does this improve if you replace [fragment_shader_transformation_sdr_oetf_es2, L71 here](https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/d13a0f4ec62ca092b79746a5725b62a3244cc5b4/libraries/effect/src/main/assets/shaders/fragment_shader_transformation_sdr_oetf_es2.glsl#L71) with `return gamma22Oetf(linearColor);`? Also, can you please confirm that the color of the input video...
Hmm thanks, I think @tof-tof is more knowledgeable about overlays, so I'll defer to them here.