minorminer copied to clipboard
minorminer is a heuristic tool for minor embedding: given a minor and target graph, it tries to find a mapping that embeds the minor into the target.
To support external logistics of embedding caches, we need a way of identifying a graph in a consistent manner. We already have functionality for that on a single host, but...
We've gotten a few requests to include the [https://github.com/ciaranm/glasgow-subgraph-solver](Glasgow Subgraph Solver) GSS so that users can easily find chainlength-1 embeddings when they exist. GSS is shipped with an MIT license,...
**Description** There are no ```install``` instructions in the code so there is no ```install``` target for make. **Environment:** - OS: FreeBSD 13.1 - Python version: 3.9
**Description** The behaviour of mine_clique_embeddings seems to be independent of the argument mask_bound, whereas we would expect the routine to become slower, and produce a higher quality cache (on average)...
**Description** I am trying to follow the guides and build the example.cpp and I am getting a error that ``` object of abstract class type "MyCppInteractions" is not allowed:C/C++(322) [example.cpp(32,...
PR for closing Issue #202
Hi, I'm interested in using this work as a basic building block in my research. However, I require the graphs to be **directed**, and **edge contraction** to be only limited...
**Feature Request** The biclique embedding method in `busgraph_cache` doesn't provide an option for `chain_imbalance=(None or int)` like the one found in the `polynomialembedder` for `tightestNativeBiClique` and `largestNativeBiClique`. The new feature...
Failing tests: `test_lib.test_headless_interrupt` and `test_lib.test_interactive_interrupt`. See [test-osx-3.9](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/dwavesystems/minorminer/135/workflows/e2f263ce-ee52-4541-ba3f-1d69e903d78a/jobs/5264).