
Results 9 issues of Tuna

### Description Oauth2 url generator is missing some of the available scopes ### Steps to Reproduce - Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications - Click OAuth2 and URL Generator. ### Expected Behavior Listed...


### Description When using bearer tokens to update command permissions missing `application.commands.permissions.update` scope make api return code 40001 instead of 50026. This causes confusion around why the respective request fails....


When i change the output device rodio continues to play the audio on old device.

I am opening this issue to investigate Windows support. I will do a test tomorrow to see what is needed and what is missing ? Thank you for this nice...

I am getting ```py Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\DEV\tinygrad\examples\stable_diffusion.py", line 615, in load_state_dict(model, torch_load(FILENAME)['state_dict'], strict=False) File "c:\dev\tinygrad\tinygrad\state.py", line 107, in torch_load _, _, _, rwd, _, ids, base_offset...

## Motivation Currently there does not seem to be any way of inserting many rows and immediately returning it. The use case for this when using database calculated columns such...

## Error ``` Error: 0: Error reverting 0: Action `create_or_merge_nix_config` errored Remove file `/etc/nix/nix.conf` Action `create_apfs_volume` errored Failed to execute command with status 1 `"/usr/sbin/diskutil" "apfs" "deleteVolume" "Nix Store"`, stdout:...

I have been trying to create a tool like reindeer but for go modules. But I've hit a barrier where creating the http_archive rules for the required modules requires the...

My ssh key is an ecdsa-sk which is also used for my git operations. When attempting to clone using the git protocol when using rio I get my pin prompt...
