@fbucafusco The more portable way to resolve this is by extending the #if to test for ESP_PLATFORM. ESP_PLATFORM is a definition set in ESP projects. See https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/v4.4.2/esp32/api-guides/build-system.html#preset-component-variables eg. `#if defined(__QNX__)...
Text format certificates must be nul terminated. https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32/api-reference/protocols/mqtt.html#verification Either append a nul to your CRT file, copy it into RAM and nul terminate it, or provide a der format certificate.
I don't have time to test your example at the moment sorry unless you can provide a minimal example, but I have certificate authentication on AWS working on idf 5.2.1....
I'll add a minimal example in a few days. The short version is connect Y+ and X- of the touchscreen to (digital output capable) ADC pins, and Y- and X+...
I have updated the PR to be based off the current master, and improved the behaviour around sample averaging/filtering. I have also added a test case to touch_test.c The "Touch...
Hi @NCKGWT, it sounds like your issue is in ESP-IDF, not in esp-iot-solution. You may have better luck there. Some pointers to investigate though, having spent far too long troubleshooting...