Nenad Novaković

Results 10 issues of Nenad Novaković

I tried to highlight multiple words like this: ``` ```sh /"Nenad Novakovic"|"[email protected]"/ ``` And also like this: ``` ```sh /"Nenad Novakovic"/ /"[email protected]"/ ``` But neither approach has worked. In the...

Hello, Is anyone willing to tackle this? I stopped using the global loading of Vue base components when I started using an IDE (Webstorm) as it couldn't recognize any...

I followed the official web3 example, but for some reason it throws a bunch of errors for me, because my case-scenario has deploy and send chained to the instance. ![Screenshot...

**Module versions (please complete the following information):** - `vue`: 2.6.0 - `vue-i18n`: 8.25.0 **Reproduction Link** **Expected behavior** Array approach should work too with common `v-for` iteration? Am I...

As soon as I run `pnpm run dev` I get instant exit with error: ```js // Internal server error: render is not a function const url = window.location; // ^...

My suggestion is to not deprecate this option, but tweak it for a slightly different use. For those that aren't aware all those that had the license for Font Awesome...

To begin with – great project! I found it very nasty that the example shown is doing `as unknown as ContractContext` on the instance of `web3.eth.Contract`. As I see web3...

### Description At the moment, if we had a route like `auth/register` to use it as a named route, we'd need to use `-` as a separator. ```vue Registration ```...


### Describe the feature I find it weird that `watch` method doesn't actually provide me `k:v` pair for example. Is there any specific reasoning why `watcher` strictly returns only `event`...


Everything below tested in Nuxt 3. - [x] Example to define it as a plugin leads to hydration missmatch, even when `` is used within `` component - [x] Using...