Daniel Voigt Godoy

Results 15 comments of Daniel Voigt Godoy

Hi Tom, I see you're moving quite fast :-) Thanks for the feedback - you do have a point - I will put this in my to-do list for the...

Hi Tom, The PyTorch implementation of C3 layer is a "reinterpretation" if you will of the original paper. It does not reflect the fancy customized column assignment of the depicted...

Hi Tom, Just published a new chapter :-) Not sure if you're receiving notifications from Leanpub, so I thought of letting you know here. Have fun! Best, Daniel

Hi, Thanks for your comment on my writing style, that means a lot to me :-) Regarding the LinearAlgebra module: I've developed this package as base for the ML Fundamentals...

Hi Tom, I don't have a video course *yet*, but it is definitely in my plans for 2021 after I finish the book. Regarding SVMs, I guess you've already gone...

Hi Tom, The message "TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'generator'" has the answer - the call to `WeightedRandomSapler` has an extra unexpected `generator` argument. But, as you've pointed...

Hi Tom, I see... it should have worked then - I tested it using both 1.6 and 1.7 versions. So, no need to downgrade, but we need to dig deeper...

Hi, Well, the best kind of error is the kind that corrects itself, right? :-) The important thing is, it is working! Best, Daniel

Hi Tom, The saving/load models are used to resume training or deployment, so they are saved in binary format, as they are not intended for being read by human. The...

Hi @5uperpalo , Thanks for reporting this issue. You've found a bug - using `ax` argument in a stratified plot is not working, neither it accepts `rot` argument. There is...