David van Geest
David van Geest
I would love to see some movement on this as well.
> Is this fixed now? @joshuawscott I would argue that it's not, even though logging may be better in some cases. Note that the Kafka broker receiving a `Fetch` with...
I will note that this lib is very unmaintained. None of the original authors work at PagerDuty any longer (including myself). I'm not sure if it's still in use at...
> did you find any limit on how much this thing can scale in terms of number of jobs scheduled? No, but we didn't try to find its limits either.
Hey @sann3, thanks for your interest in this project. We are hoping to publish our Scaladocs externally, but haven't quite got around to it yet. In the meantime, I've replaced...
Sorry for the late response here, I was on vacation. We do not have a sample application available yet, unfortunately, but it's still on the to-do list.
No, we don't have an expected time to deliver a sample application. As a team we have plenty of other priorities at the moment. You would be welcome to contribute...
Hi @tobiaseriksson, `scheduler` is still in use but isn't receiving regular updates. If you want to use it, you should be prepared to take on some maintenance yourself. Note that...
I'm afraid that in-house it does not see frequent maintenance :-(. The public GH repo is what we use internally as well. I believe we're running it against Cass 2.x...
This is also happening to me pretty regularly. Running Linux Mint 15 x64. It does not happen to me in the browser. To get it working again, I have to...