Danny Verbeek
Danny Verbeek
Same issue here ``` [DEBUG] Scanning with Arch(), OS(), and Build Tags([]) [DEBUG] Problem parsing package at /Users/danny/.glide/cache/src/https--Users-danny-.glide-cache-src-https-golang.org-x-sys-unix for [ERROR] Could not find /Users/danny/.glide/cache/src/https-golang.org-x-sys/unix: open /Users/danny/.glide/cache/src/https--Users-danny-.glide-cache-src-https-golang.org-x-sys-unix: no such file or...
This issue is introduced in 0.12.0. 0.11.1 is working fine.
@nbering Are you able to get this merged? I am using @obilodeau solution to work on python 3.9
Yes i have the same issue @whereismyjetpack, its still trying to doe the account binding.
Looks like the register part is also used for verify. For me here it is going wrong: log: setup.go:218] cert-manager/controller/clusterissuers "msg"="failed to verify ACME account" "error"="400 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed: [External Account Binding]...
@robstradling Nice, i will test it in the comming week. Thanks for the fix!
@robstradling took me a little longer than expected. But it works like a charm!!!! Thank you very much! @meyskens I think you can close this issue.
@robstradling i was to fast...... i still got the issue after redeploying....... '[External Account Binding] The account is not awaiting external account binding'
@robstradling I did not changed the KeyID or KeySecret. I am trying to user the private key generated by cert-manager on cluster A to use it on Cluster B (not...
Maybe it can be there because i had forgot to create te secrets.