Make password have Minimum number of characters. At least one number, uppercase & lowercase characters and symbol. (This check is there in FE but not in BE).
- Force user to change the password after certain amount of time. - Force user to set password after user lands to dashboard without setting his/her password (invite flow).
- [ ] Create CRUD APIs for organisation - [ ] Create CRUD APIs for tenant
1. Add `Tenant_id` as a field for all logs 2. Add `Tenant_id` action for Kafka messages as well , headers to be a combination of ( tenant_id, merchant_id, payment_id )...
Revamp the analytics module with the below features / functionality: - [ ] Currency conversion The user must be able to choose a default currency and all the values in...
Have an organisation level analytics view: 1. Only a user with org level role (eg. org_admin) can view this tab in the dashboard 2. Combined analytics for the organisation with...