
Results 7 issues of David

Hi, is it possible to access the global property of the i18n instance for usage outside of components? I couldn't find a way, so my current workaround is to use...

Hi, the API interface is missing the `$http` property, so when using TypeScript you have to cast `this.$typo3.api` to access `$http` to make an API request like in the [form...

good first issue

Hi, currently it is not possible to define fields and dataProcessing because dataProcessing overwrites the whole content. For example I'd like to define add a flexform to a text field....

Hi, I've build a module containing custom components along with global sass variables with default values. A project that uses this module can overwrite the default sass values and the...


**Describe the bug** When creating a component within a module, `this.$nuxt` is undefined in the component when using Options API (Vue.extend) or Class API (@Component). Defining the component using `export...

### What's the feature 🧐 Hi, first of all: really great project, exactly what I was looking for, keep up the good work! One feature I miss from using [Splid](https://splid.app)...
