Dmitry Dolotovskikh
Dmitry Dolotovskikh
Hi When I use "hh:mm A" format along with mask I get follow problem with input mask for TimePicker  I use follow options for TimePicker: ``` TimePickerOptions: { datepicker:false,...
Hi I have two pickers and I want to use momnetjs only for one of them. When I use `$.datetimepicker.setDateFormatter('moment');` both pickers use momentjs date formatter. Thanks.
Hi It seems there is wrong Russian locale detection occurs when I set A/B rule for browser language. IE and Chrome send ru as supported languages, but KooBoo expects ru-Ru....
Do you support multi factor authentication? What settings do I need to have in spgo.json? Thanks
SPMeta2 should allow additional setting for Document Set content type such as: - default view - folder structure inside the document type - default values - New/Edit/View Forms - Welcome...
Hi Is it possible to update local sources with cargo install gepth4-client