Tai D. Nguyen

Results 6 comments of Tai D. Nguyen

I select the last contract listed in AST [index.js](https://github.com/duytai/sGuard/blob/master/src/index.js#L37) ```javascript const { attributes: { name } } = children[children.length - 1] ``` You can speficy contract that you are interested...

hi @Kenun99 The dataset is quite big, you can download from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xMa_9n4uf5Ssl3RDsXR6opN_wfRPEhdM/view?usp=sharing

[all.csv](https://github.com/duytai/sGuard/files/7653943/all.csv) This is a list of 5k contracts

hi @SunBeomSo I rely on AST generated by compiler to do instrumentation. However, the structure of AST is different across different compiler versions

hi @SunBeomSo [Q1] This could be many functions have the same signature, can you rename the function `main` in contract Fund3, for example: `function main3(uint x) ....` [Q2] I agree...

@SunBeomSo I will inform you when the problem is solved