@qintony execuse me, I feel confused about your explanation here, can I get more details about it? I run this project(latest version till today) on my PC(Ubuntu 14.04 + ROS...
@qintony It is Ubuntu 64bit. here is the terminal output: > [duyl@ ~/catkin_ws]15:31$ roslaunch vins_estimator euroc.launch > ... logging to /home/duyl/.ros/log/be91a318-5b0a-11e7-ae9c-b191e14994a5/roslaunch-Vestro-13435.log > Checking log directory for disk usage. This may...
@AaboutL Thanks for your advise, but that didn't work. Same Error happened. I run `pkg-config --modversion opencv` and the output is > 2.4.8 does that mean I have remove opencv-2.4.11...