@chenkaiyue PTAL.
> Are there any timelines as to when these improvements to restic will be implemented? +1
> Thanks for logging this @king-jam. We think we may be able to up the number of workers running for each controller in the restic daemonset and get the desired...
We can use this Dockerfile to build predixy ARM64 image: ``` FROM arm64v8/ubuntu:18.04 LABEL maintainer="duyanghao " ENV VERSION 1.0.4 RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y \ && apt-get install...
> @jdolitsky We are trying the HA deployment with multiple replicas, here are some questions: > What will happen if two replicas trying to building the index.yaml at the same...
I have the similar problems @bshi @dmp42 .my storage backend is s3-ceph,So has this problem been solved yet? urgently!!! i guess it is the problem of api "/v1/repositories/repo/tags", it is...
@thaJeztah any progress for docker supporting private registry mirror? It is a very important feature but seems to have received only scant attention and move ahead slowly : )
@vrothberg Nice work, i will have a look at this PR. Actually, I have also created a [PR](https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/21245) for similar issue before.
My scene is: I have two Registry hub,one call A,another is B.Hub A and B are in a local area network(LAN),but can't access the docker hub. Besides,the LAN has multiple...
The Problem is not Registry V2 but Docker @llamahunter @zhanghuanzhong @RichardScothern @mellowplace @tslater ,Here is my solution for this Problem: https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/21245 And The Test is successful! Here is my config:...