The app shows black screen when first launched after fresh install
- hard to read - use decoratior and metaclass - 3 types of renderer, cairo/opengl/webgl, BaseRenderer/SubRenderer, Scene/Renderer/MObject, the author of the related code seems superior, using lots of fancy grammer,...
wield echo appears(the ending of each short video clip's audio repeat itself several times and gradually disappear) when merge multiple short video clips, each of which contains audio
I've implemented horizontal text rendering, the code is as below: (but how could I draw text vertically(not rotating for 90 or 270 degree)) ```python import cairo from math import pi...
I'm running a custom object detection model on XiaoMi 11, and in Logcat it says "**couldn't find DSO to load: libtorch-code-gen.so**". and the model runs well in other android devices...
I'm running this shadertoy demo: [https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4ddSz4](https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4ddSz4) it has two buffer: bufferA and mainImage, and the final result is not right and the console log shows some warning about "Framebuffer is...
it seems that the username field cannot be deleted when logging in. BUT I only need email and password to log in. And I don not want my user to...
在对已经设置好数据的adapter执行插入或删除单个数据的操作时报如下错误: ``` java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at java.util.AbstractList.add(AbstractList.java:148) ```
- update only one single file: guardian/admin.py - minimal code update - achieved goal: allow you select user or group with dropdown menu (instead of searching User with username and...
I've run the demo and find that the object detection process runs faster with option "CPU" instead of "GPU". Is this NORMAL ? I 'm using: - ncnn_20210720_android_vulkan - opencv_mobile_4_5_3_android...