I'm trying to get the dev environment up and running, but I keep running into errors. Something doesn't seem to resolve correctly. I've tried bootstraping with lerna, but no luck....
First off, this is an awesome library, thank you for maintaining it :) I'm trying to get Quasar to work with [this example](https://blitzar.cycraft.co/blitz-list-form/#blitzform-example) (BlitzListForm nested in a BlitzForm) Taken the...
Preferably a list of all supported props + examples would be available in the docs, but a link will do.
import BlitzForm, instead of BlitzTable twice
The "Edit this page on GitHub" -links at the bottom of the docs returns 404. https://blitzar.cycraft.co/blitz-form/#validate-formdata-programatically currently links to https://github.com/cycraft/blitzar/edit/production/packages/docs/docs/blitz-form/index.md