Since upgrading to Swift 5, I get the following errors: `valuePointer.deinitialize() //'deinitialize()' is unavailable: the default argument to deinitialize(count:) has been removed, please specify the count explicitly` `valuePointer.deallocate(capacity: 1) //'deallocate(capacity:)'...
Not a bug (may be helpful to enable discussions?) Is there a way to disable the ability to copy content in a PDF using this wrapper?
When clicking "edit" on role, the edit screen doesn't display the role name in the "name" field on the form or the guard name. ...
### Bug I'm trying to make use of the LOCATION_TESTING boolean in my env file to set an IP address manually whilst on localhost but it doesn't have any effect....
$quantity and $unitPriceOverrides in TransactionNonCatalogPrice class should be optional/nullable?
### Describe the bug As per the docs for previewing a transaction: https://developer.paddle.com/api-reference/transactions/preview-transaction Both `price.unit_price_overrides` and `price.quantity` are optional on the 'Non catalog price for an existing product' item requirements....
### Describe the bug When posting a Transaction Preview, the response doesn't allow Price to be `null` but I'm not sure if this is an API bug or an SDK...