Dustin Gooding

Results 6 issues of Dustin Gooding

I have a 15,1 machine, running 5.7.19 `alt` option. I've got the WiFi and pulseaudio tweaks implemented, but otherwise stock. I have a Thunderbolt "dock" that has downstream USB devices...

I have a 15,1 machine. I tried installing the latest release (5.8.13) with both `mbp` and `mbp-alt` options. I can boot into the LiveUSB just fine and poke around and...


With the demise of Dynamic Reconfigure, `rtt_ros2_params` should expose the `rclcpp::Node::add_on_set_parameters_callback` interface (https://docs.ros2.org/foxy/api/rclcpp/classrclcpp_1_1Node.html#a12d535bced9f26b65c0a450e6f40aff8). This will allow for callback-based property updates.

I'm struggling to get a Dockerfile set up with my custom workspace code built and colcon environment automatically configured for a user to "enter" without needing any extra `source` calls....


ROS1 Melodic, Ubuntu 18.04, Orocos toolchain-2.9 from source. I do have Eigen3 installed. I have a component that makes use of `rtt_rosparam`. I use `#include ` and then use it...

Is there a "hello world" level example of how to actually use rtt_dynamic_reconfigure? Specifically, I'm trying to call `advertise` from within my component's `configureHook` and I'm struggling at getting the...