Results 7 comments of Harshit Joshi

Yes, @ejohb is right. The problem occurs when using pre_tokenizers.Split() :/

@Narsil yes, it is still there in `0.12.1`. The errror when I was trying to load: `Exception: data did not match any variant of untagged enum ModelWrapper at line 59999...

`.decode('utf-8')` was added to fix the problems which occur in Windows. See #32 and #99

Tesseract module is not working well. There were simple issues such as `$101.00` was being read as `$101. 00` and hence says some fields are not matching, therefore not much...

@gitaddgitpush I followed the steps to reproduce the error but couldn't. Can you give me more information about your working environment, such as os, python version? Here is the output...

I want to work on this issue, let me know if it's still up for grabs. PR idea: - I was thinking we can have a new key `x_shape` in...