Tucker Beck
Tucker Beck
A shame that this little tool seems to be dead in the water
Thanks for the kind words and the PR! Reading over it and the the Stack Overflow link, this seems like a bit of a niche use-case. I wonder if there...
Thanks for the heads-up here. I will look into this.
It's a good thought! I'll look into it when I have some cycles to work on praetorian.
Sorry I'm so slow getting to this one. Yeah, that's a legitimate issue! I'll be thinking about how best to address this. It will be one of two ways, I...
Addressed with Merge Request #251 Will get this merged into master and then do some regression and integration testing to make sure it's working as expected. There are also going...
Closing this PR for now. I think I will need to see a clearer use-case and some example code.
This is an old issue, but seems to be a feature that folks (including me) really need. I've crafted this Jinja extension named [cut-out-cookies](https://github.com/dusktreader/cut-out-cookies) adds a 'stencil' filter that can...
@mattbennett I might have some time to do this. Been *really* busy lately, but things are going to be slower for the next week.
@vimalloc (cc @mattupstate): I've just started on a package that is dependent on flask-jwt called flask-praetorian (https://github.com/dusktreader/flask-praetorian). I am considering adopting flask-jwt if there doesn't seem to be any interest...