durul dalkanat

Results 8 issues of durul dalkanat

Swift 2.0 and iOS 9 updated

Hi, Would that be possible to add the Payload order size and type ( such as JSON, png ) column? Thanks

Hi, I used Bagel for network analysis. But it is not easy to find out duplicate API calls being made for ordering. If you add another filter button or add...

Hello, Thank You that plugin, But why can't export the macOS icon. ? Kindly advice!

Hi, Do you have a plan to add Flutter Support? Thanks in advance!

Hello, I tried to execute the Sitrep command under the _Cocoapods Classes_ directory. But I got an empty result. ``` swift run Sitrep -p ~/Users/duruldalkanat/ios_snapshot_testing/Source/VHFeature-iOS/VHFeature-iOS/Classes``` Distro: OS X 12.6 Xcode...

- Added color. - OOP updated. - Spacing between buttons.