Yurii Oleksyshyn
Yurii Oleksyshyn
I was inspired by Folly futures, they are very flexible in terms of executing context of continuations. I think breaking current API is not desired. For me personally I would...
I should have made it clear earlier, talking about context I meant `receiver` in terms of signals & slots, so it's not only `if` it's also `where` at the same...
Of course. Why I am talking about signals & slot it's because of next behavior When you use this approach: `connect(obj, &Object::signal, [this] { // do something });` you get...
I agree that `.bind(` might be a little bit too much in a sense of forgetting to unbind. The main motivation for 5 was that it doesn't require changes to...
Hi Dmitriy, Thanks for your feedback. I believe that context has to handle both _if_ and _where_ if used as `.then(context, callback)`. The big issue with using it in constructor...
Hi Dmitriy I understand what are you trying to say. Strictly speaking I kinda support the same behavior as using `QtConcurrent::run()` but my classes do just a bit more in...
Hey @simonbrunel, any input on last comments?
Can we update one [test](https://github.com/onflow/flow-go/blob/jordan/6191-update-finalization-logic/consensus/follower_test.go#L188) as part of this PR? It assumes that we have a 3-chain.
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