Shorter example that freezes my pharo9 image: `',' findBetweenSubstrings: #(,'ab')` No freeze: `',' findBetweenSubstrings: #(,'a').` No freeze: `',' findBetweenSubstrings: #(,).`
```Smalltalk findBetweenSubstrings: delimiters "Answer the collection of String tokens that result from parsing self. Tokens are separated by 'delimiters', which can be a collection of Strings, or a collection of...
#skipAnySubstring:startingAt: says it *"Answer the index of the last character within the receiver, starting at start, that does NOT match one of the delimiters. delimiters is a Array of substrings...
The issue happens when #skipAnySubstring:startingAt: is called with two substrings to skip: the first one matches the receiver and the second is bigger than the receiver. When the first substring...
Another "feature" of the current algorithm is that it tries to skip the first delimiters that works it sees. This means the end result depends on the order of the...
I found this issue while looking for a keyboard shortcut to switch between class side and instance side quickly. While this can be achieved with the cmd+/ menu to look...